2nd International Conference BIOHYDROLOGY 2009: A changing climate for biology and soil hydrology interactions
Bratislava, Slovakia, September 21–24, 2009



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Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics


Special Issue: Biohydrology 2009 – A changing climate for biology and soil hydrology interactions (Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 58, 2010, 3, 141–187)

Lichner Ľ, Novák V: Biohydrology 2009: A changing climate for biology and soil hydrology interactions 141
Moore D, Kostka SJ, Boerth TJ, Franklin M, Ritsema CJ, Dekker LW, Oostindie K, Stoof C, Wesseling J: The effect of soil surfactants on soil hydrological behavior, the plant growth environment, irrigation efficiency and water conservation 142
Cuevas JC, Calvo M, Little Ch, Pino M, Dassori M: Are diurnal fluctuations in streamflow real? 149
Himmelbauer ML, Loiskandl W, Rousseva S: Spatial root distribution and water uptake of maize grown on field with subsoil compaction 163
Hejduk S, Kasprzak K: Specific features of water infiltration into soil with different management in winter and early spring period 175
Novák V, Šurda P: The water retention of a granite rock fragments in High Tatras stony soils 181

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